Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Winter Fun

We decorated our door just for fun!

We made a graph of our names. Each letter is on a snowball.

Happy New Year!!!

We discussed that we are starting a brand new year and we talked about goals that we might have and things that we hope to accomplish! Our class wishes you a very Happy New Year!


We celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. on January 17th. After listening to a story about MLK, we created a class anchor chart about him!

We also conducted a science experiment with a brown egg and a white egg.

On the outside, the only difference we could find was the color.

Once the eggs were cracked. We could not tell the difference or figure out which one was which.

We were surprised to find out that just like people, eggs are all similar on the inside :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Holiday Centers

Here's a little look at a few of our fun holiday centers and activities.

Interactive writing
Trees made from ice cream cones

We decorated each other as trees and our ornaments had sight words on them!

Light bulb necklaces with the letters in our name

Red Ribbon Week

We were born to be


Can you guess who a few of these cuties are?